wow, i wish you included some of your symptoms. for the sake of conversation, i will assume they are as follows:
-sore throat
-that head-under-water feeling
-full-body skin and/or muscle ache
TREATMENT-- 1. get rest! 2. drink nice fluids that contain vitamins, like juice and hot broth. 3. ginger and tobasco! both tend to send those little bacteria in your sore throat running for the hills! (and ginger can almost instantaneously rid you of nausea.) 4. chicken soup contains nice chemicals that can soothe you, also being quite easy to digest for the sensitive stomach. 5. take a hot bath, making sure to add eucalyptus oil to soothe your air passageways. 6. i know i said it, but... GET SOME SLEEEEEEEEEP! get offline and go to bed! now! heh
DO NOT TAKE ECHINACEA!! (did i spell that right?) do not take it when you're already sick. okay, here's the d&l on echinacea.. it boosts your immune system for only a little time, then can overwork it and thus DECREASES YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM'S ABILITY TO FIGHT OFF INVADERS!!! if you're already sick, it's too late to take it. also, if your cold lasts more than a few days, all-told, as they are prone to do, you will end up weakening your system, as i've just said, and cause a POSSIBLE RELAPSE!