authanasia is legalized in
The Netherlands
Oregon (United States)
However, there are two types of euthanasia - active and passive. 1. Active Euthanasia: a positive action is taken to bring about someone’s death e.g. the administering of a deadly injection or the assisting in preparations for a suicide
2. Passive Euthanasia involves a refusal to intervene to change the course of events, where the result is the death of the person.
All of these countries support Assisted Euthanasia -
a second party (usually a physician) participates in bringing about the patient’s death, but is not the sole cause of the death.
Netherland for example allows permits physician assisted dying when each of the following conditions is fulfilled:
the patient's suffering is unbearable with no prospect of improvement
the patient's request for euthanasia must be voluntary and persist over time (The request can not be granded when under the influence of others, psychological illness or drugs)
the patient must be fully aware of his/her condition, prospects and options
there must be consultation with at least one other independent docter who needs to confirm the conditions mentioned above
the death must be carried out in a medically appropriate fashion by the doctor or patient, in which case the doctor must be present.
the patient is at least 12 years old (patients between 12 and 16 years of age require the consent of their parents)
these laws are different in each of these countries.