I have hashimotos & hypothyroidism. Ive been on 0.075 mcg for about a year. Im 23 years old. Ive been getting my medicine from walgreens but just recently changed pharmacies due to moving. So now i go to cvs and one thing the shape and color of the medicine is different from walgreens, but i was told its just because they have different manufacturers so it should be fine. But i took my first pill from cvs and started having neck pain on the side up to my ears. Googled the symptoms came up “subacute thyroiditis”. Im obviously going to call my doctor and cvs back and tell them my symptoms. But i wanted to get on here and ask is this bad? Because you already know all doctors and pharmacists due is give you bs medicine and then when u have these “rare symptoms” they act like your asking a question about mars. Its annoying because i know damn well they know whats really going on but don't want to tell me cus unfortunately its all about the money. & yeah i never wanted to get on levoxthyrine but i had to cus my numbers were at like 9 and i was dealing with other bs. Sorry about the long letter but yeah why tf is the cvs medication giving me problems now? I should of just went to walgreens if i had known i was gunna have weird pain symptoms in my neck that i never had before 😒