How can i live without having certain death ? How can i live forever ?
2005-12-21 01:21:58 UTC
Brain like a plant ???
Four answers:
2005-12-21 01:24:08 UTC
just make a difference in every person that surrounds you then you are a living memory forever
2005-12-21 09:27:03 UTC
Well, your physical body will definitely not live forever. As to your mind or soul, many religions speak of an afterlife or reincarnation after physical death, though there is no empirical evidence for or against this. Figuratively, you can be "immortalized" by making an imprint upon history, though this does not mean that you will avoid physical death.
2005-12-21 16:35:24 UTC
u cant dude. its a part and parcel of life. what u can do is like someone else suggested help the people around u so tht they will always remember u for a good cause
2005-12-21 14:38:30 UTC
Have your sperms or eggs placed in liquid nitrogen. Also you can preserve your DNA for a future clone

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