I am 15 years old. About a year ago, I fell of my dirtbike. I flew off the handle bars and was going about 40MPH. My body thrusted forward and I looked like superman while he flies in the air. When I hit the ground the bottom of my left rib cage hit the floor hard. I was not wearing any protective gear I only had a helet on. I was in a lot of pain but did not tell my parents. About 1 month later the pain went away but i had noticed that the rib on the very bottom, the last bone of the rib cage was sticking out more than the other side when i inhaled. It feels sore for a while when i lay on my stomach all night. I was wondering if this is really bad or if I can live my life without any further problems? Is this fixable. How would a Dr. fix this. If this does get fixed would you recommend me joining up for football. My parents still don't know about this. If this is not fixable would it be safe for me to play football.
Any advice or answers to my questions would be greatly appretiated.